Become a 2025 Downingtown Fall Fest Sponsor
Thank your for considering sponsorship of Downingtown Fall Fest!
Company logo & link to website listed prominently on event website.
Company logo listed on beer garden banner on day-of event.
Two 10 x 10 vendor spaces in *prime location near beer garden entrance* for display and vending. Three 8ft tables will be provided for use.
Right to display and distribute all suitable promotional materials and/or products.
Dedicated social media posts: 2 instagram feed posts, 2 facebook posts, 2 instagram story shares dedicated to the sponsor
Two signs (provided by sponsor) hung on fencing inside Victory Beer Garden (max 3’x5’ size)
Logo + 300 word company profile featured on pre-event Chamber newsletter
Company logo listed on banner spanning Lancaster Avenue for at least two weeks leading up to the event.
Sponsor recognition at Chamber events leading up to FallFest
Sponsorship Exclusivity – your Company alone will be the only gold sponsor in your industry for Downingtown FallFest.
Right of First Refusal for Fall Fest 2026 gold sponsorship
Company logo & link to website listed on event website
Company name listed on beer garden banner on day-of event.
Two 10 x 10 vendor spaces in a prime location for display and vending. Two 8ft tables will be provided for use.
Right to display and distribute all suitable promotional materials and/or products.
Dedicated social media posts: 1 instagram feed post, 1 facebook post, 1 instagram story share dedicated to the sponsor
One sign (provided by sponsor) hung on fencing inside Victory Beer Garden (max 3’x5’ size)
Logo listed on pre-event Chamber newsletter
Company logo & link to website listed on event website
Company name listed on beer garden banner on day-of event.
One 10 x 10 vendor space in a prime location for display and vending.
Right to display and distribute all suitable promotional materials and/or products.
Included with all bronze sponsors in social media posts: 1 instagram feed post, 1 facebook post, 1 instagram story share
One sign (provided by sponsor) hung on fencing inside Victory Beer Garden (max 2’x4’ size)